A young man has unleashed a barrage of bullets on his “uncle,” killing him instantly in the “Al-Madaris” neighborhood

A young man has unleashed a barrage of bullets on his “uncle,” killing him instantly in the “Al-Madaris” neighborhood in the city of El Geneina, West Darfur state. No details about the incident have emerged yet. The proliferation of arms among youth and the security fluidity in Darfur pose a significant danger threatening human lives and constitute a deliberate violation of human rights.

شاب يطلق وابل من الرصاص علي “عمه” و يرديه قتيلآ الأن بحي “المدارس” بمدينة الجنينة ولاية غرب دارفور. لا تفاصيل حول الحادثة حتي الأن. عمليه انتشار السلاح اوساط الشباب والسيولة الامنيه بدارفور  خطر كبير يهدد حياة الإنسان وانتهاك ممنهج لحقوق الانسان
